Experiences, Readings, Certifications, Webinars

One of my first significant, spiritual experience was when I was twenty six, in 1977. I was headed to RI to go sailing with my cousin and his friends for 10 days. I was driving down, what was 128 then, when I heard my grandfather say to me, in his voice, as if he was sitting in the seat beside me, “Don’t worry about me, I am fine!” I laughed and responded to him in my head, just like he had spoken to me, that “I was not worried about him” because I wasn’t!” It was not until I got home from this sailing trip, that I learned he had passed before I left on the boat. My family was discussing calling me home for his funeral but eventually decided not to. His message was perfectly simple and clear. But the point is, that he was fully aware of all this and shared it with me after he had passed. I didn’t tell anyone this had happened. I’d graduated from Suffolk University with a degree in psychology and was fully aware that hearing voices was considered to be a psychiatric concern! Plus, christianity considered this the work of the devil. I kept my mouth shut for many, many years.

Yet, after this event, I started reading and studying whatever books I could find on the subject of spirituality or afterlife communications. In 1977, there was very little information out there. The first book I found was written by James Van Praagh, called Unfinished Business. The more I read, the more I found additional resources. Today, the internet is full of spiritual discussion on ADC, after death communications; NDE’s or Near Death Experiences; mediums who share messages from individuals who have passed over but have unfinished business with people still on the planet. Always know that a true medium requires confirmation that what they share rings true. There are other such experiences, as Lucid dreaming, ESP, extra sensory perception, intuitive impressions; clairaudient is a clear sense of hearing, ie, being able to detect psychic information through the ears; clairvoyance is a clear sense of vision, ie, psychic sight; claircognizance is a clear sense of knowing, ie, psychic insight; clairsentience is a clear sense of feeling, ie, being able to detect psychic information through your body and more…

Hello From Heaven, written by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, yes from the Guggenheim Museum, was written in 1995. They spoke with people throughout the US, who like myself, have had after death communications from a loved one. They documented that between 20 to 40 percent of people in America have had this sort of experience. So if it’s happened to you, you are part of a very large group of people! Although, few people ever used to speak of it, now the Internet is simply full of reported experiences.

Another significant experience for me, was at my nephews wedding in June of 2010. My mom had passed by then and I knew, if it was possible, she would be there at this wedding. She had wanted these kids to marry. So while at the wedding, I say to mom if you’re here, show me a sign. Mom could find 4 leaf clovers anywhere. So, I’m thinking she’d show me a sign like that. I’m looking and looking and nothing. Suddenly, I say to myself, how absolutely rude and ultimately human of me to ask my dead mother to show me a sign. The very second I said this in my head; I heard, Janet here! I responded to her, saying; “what are you doing here, I am looking for my mother!” No kidding, I did this! Janet had died in a motorcycle accident. No other vehicle was involved. She was on the back of the bike and something happened, and she died. The driver was found guilty of manslaughter and sent to prison for a few years. Nobody, knew exactly what had happened… but most folks were happy that he was in prison. Her message was, It was all my fault. I say to her, in my head; “well you know, things happen and…” She says, in her voice louder and clear, “IT WAS ALL MT FAULT! I stop, and say, “I am arguing with a dead person. I shut up,accepting her message.

There are many other experiences that I have had, but these are likely the easiest to understand. To me these say quite clearly that there is something beyond human life, here on earth. Many people who have had psychic moments believe we are spirits/souls having a human experiences, not the other way around, as most religions profess. The most amazing part of all this is I didn’t find these experiences, frightening or weird! They just seemed very natural to me.

I will say without question, that my experiences have been some of the most wonderful experiences of my life and have made me believe that life is way more precious and wonderful than most people have any idea of, convincing me that there is something more to experience after our life here on earth.


My first book in high school was a dream analysis book. The rest is history…

Unfinished Business – By James Van Praagh – was the first book I read on life after death. I still follow James today.

My second book and significant teacher was John Edward; https://johnedward.net. I watched his TV program Crossing Over from the early 2000’s; have taken course from him, read his books, been to his seminars. I highly respect John. Johns psychic abilities have been studied and documented as real by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Afterlife_Experiments where they researched peoples psychic abilities and have proven them as scientifically valid.

Ask and It is Given – By Esther and Jerry Hicks https://www.abraham-hickslawofattraction.com/ask-and-it-is-given.html

Hello From Heaven – by Bill and Judy Guggenheim – Research and documentations on ADC or After Death Communications from 1995. Yes, Bill is part of the Guggenheim Museums. http://www.billguggenheim.com/hello-from-heaven.html

Wired to Thrive – By Dr. Gregg Braden. https://www.hayhouseu.com/wired-to-thrive-online-course-hhu

The Year of Living Biblically – By A. J. Jacobs – a wonderful book written by a jewish comic, who decided to live by the old testament for a year, while living in NYC. https://ajjacobs.com/books/the-year-of-living-biblically/

Buddah– A Story of Enlightenment – By Deepak Chopra. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Buddha/KTJBRiPJ_BMC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

Angels in My Hair – By Lorna Byrne. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Angels_in_My_Hair/jjmp5fRjzJEC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

The Universe as a Single Atom –  The convergence of science and spirituality – By the Dalia Lama. Ironically, I learned about quantum physic from the Dalia! He was raised spiritually, and was not taught anything about math or science. Although he has become a leaders in science and spirituality, having annual meeting where he’s brought leading scientists and spiritualists together annually to learn and share information together. https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Universe_in_a_Single_Atom/wf4nfu5OlCcC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle – Tolle decided to commit suicide the following day, as he could not bear life any longer. He woke the following morning to a silent mind and a completely new perspective on life and living. Today he is an author and lecturer around the world on silencing of the mind. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Un_pământ_nou/MGzEDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

90 Minutes in Heaven – By Don Piper. The first book I read on NDE’s or near death experiences.

Heaven is For Real – by Todd Burpo Another NDE’r

Proof of Heaven, by Dr Eben Alexander, a neuroscientist. A neuroscientist’s NDE.

Life After Life; Dr. Raymond Moody, https://near-death.com/raymond-moody/

Your Souls Plan and Your Souls Gifts – By Robert Schwatrtz 

Dr. Bruce Greyson at the UN on Near Death Experiences – Beyond the Mind-

The Holy Bible

Then I compared the Bible to the Quran ( I want to note how many religions share the same perspectives, simply from different spiritual leader. There appears to be more that we agree on yet, religions often focus more on how they are different, saying their religion is right and all others are wrong.)

Many Lives, Many Masters – Brian L. Weiss, MD – fascinating documentation of hypnosis and information shared while under hypnosis of lives before this life, with Dr Weiss.

The Jeshua Channeling, The Christ Within, and Heart Centered Living – By Pamela Kribbe

After Life – By John Edwards

Pillars of the Earth, World Without End, Columns of Fire – by Ken  Follett. A well researched and historical account of the evolution of Catholicism and Protestantism in Europe.

On Emotional Intelligence – Including being a good leader – Harvard Business Review – 10 Must Reasons


Project You – By John Edward

Writing from the Soul – By the late – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Writer’s Workshop – By Tracy Reid 

Dodging Energy Vampires  – An Empaths Guide to Resorting Health and Regaining Power – By Dr. Chritiana Northrup

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance – Marisa Peer

Awaken Your Healing Energy – By Deborah King 

The Secrets of the Pineal Gland – By Gaia

Accessing Intuitive Healing – By Jerry Willis

The Science of Changing Your Mind – By Dr. Joe Dispenza 

Becoming Super Natural – By Dr Joe Dispenza

Revolutionizing Spiritual Reality – By Caroline Myss

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVDf8eAPGk0 A 1978 movie about NDE Near death Experiencers 

Member and Student of:

Evolve with John Edward

Mystical Arts with James Van Praagh

Rieki – Elizabeth Fertig-Burd, Celebration Tree Farm and Wellness Center

PeterPanagore.love; Not Church. Peter has had 2 NDE’s and speaks about what he learned from dying two times…


Dream Builder Coaching Certification from Life Mastery Institute/Life SoulSolutions

Life Coach Certification from James Van Praagh

Shoden Level, 1st degree, Usi Systems of Natural Healing, Reiki

To name just a few…..