Spiritually Transformative Experiences

What is a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE) also known as a Mystical Experience?

“STE’s or Mystical experiences can occur spontaneously, and indeed people report them occurring at completely unexpected times.”  

They’re hard to define.  But according to https://observatory.synthesisretreat.com/. Mysticism is “Anything that is hard to comprehend or describe with rational or simple language. Generally, it is short-lasting, feels immensely meaningful or profound, and shatters some of your preconceptions. 

According to https://www.insightstate.com/spirituality/mystic-signs “Mysticism — otherwise known as “ultimate reality” or “direct knowledge of spiritual truth” — can be obtained through experiences.  It’s said to be the final power in reality, yet it’s not originally from faith, principle or dogma”  “Many people (who have had these experiences) identify as spiritual but not religious; with a few exceptions.

The percentage of adults who identify as religious in many industrialized countries is declining, while remaining generally high in less developed nations. Even as religious affiliation decreases, a sense of spiritual identification could remain steady or even increase. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/spirituality.